2020-01-13 09:26:21

        2022年2月18日,由中国中小商业企业协会提出并归口的《世界可追溯优质农产品 马来西亚榴莲》(T/CASME 13—2021)团体标准正式发布实施。
        In order to promote the healthy and rapid development of the durian industry in China and Malaysia, the China Association for Small & Medium commercial Enterprises and the Malaysian Pahang Fruit Farmers Association jointly developed and released the "China Malaysia High-Quality Durian Traceability Platform",. It is a third-party traceability system that only provides traceability management services for legitimate Malaysian durian. Through the mode of platform traceability management+minimum sales package plus traceability label, the "one product one certificate", "one certificate one code", "random generation" and "non duplication" of imported goods are realized, providing a simple and effective way for Chinese consumers to identify and purchase legitimate Malaysian durian.